Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top 10 Registry Items

Top 10 Registry Items
By: Cathy Smith

I recently went with my sister to help her register for her baby shower.  I keep pretty up to date with hot ticket items since many of our clients are first time parents. We are always happy to help with registry's.  We are available for an hourly rate if you would like help.  It is overwhelming, to say the least, how many products are in a baby store.  Side note: I barely slept the night before in anticipation for this.  You see, this baby will make me an Auntie.  Excited doesn't even begin to cover my feelings.  I was like a kid the night before Christmas.  So after 5 hours, 1 lunch break, and countless bathroom breaks, here are my recommendations:

  1. Britax Car Seat.  This brand gets highest safety crash rating and moms love them too.  They are sleek, sporty, and nicely cushioned.
  2. Books- There are so many to choose from.  I try to stick to Caldecott winners for toddlers and up or touch and feel books for babies.  Giving the gift of loving reading is priceless.
  3. Breastmilk storage bags.  For the mom who will pump while out and about or at work.  I always seemed to run out of storage bags.
  4. A Baby carrier.  My favorites are Tula and Ergo.  They have wonderful inserts for very small babies and can be worn for years.
  5. Cloth diapers.  Don't even get me started on all the benefits of these babies.  Cloth diapers are my thing.  They are adorable, save thousands of dollars, are great for the environment, and are super easy to wash.
  6. Umbrella stroller.  I know I'm going to catch flack for this.  Everyone loves their $1000 stroller.  But 3 kids and a lot of trips.  I have used my umbrella stroller more than the heavy, awkward expensive one.  You can throw them in the car, set them up/take them down in seconds, and bonus: if it gets a bodily fluid on it and you don't want to clean it, you can recycle it and buy another one for $20.
  7. Glider or rocking chair.  You will use this the many times in your day whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding.  This chair is what I use for all those middle of the night wake-ups for years.  Story time, middle of the night nightmares, and holding your feverish angel.  A comfy chair makes all the difference.
  8. Tub sponge.  Not the kind you wash baby with.  The kind that baby lays on in the tub or sink.  There are endless possibilities for baby tubs and they all outgrow them.  The sponges keep them warm because it absorbs the warm water, its very cushy, and only $5.  It's great for travel and dries quickly.
  9. Outlet covers.  I know, it's not glamorous.  Before you know it, that adorable newborn with become a fun, crawling infant.  Outlet covers are a great safety item and cheap.  You can get a pack of 36 for $3.
  10. Last but not least, a travel swing. I'm not a big fan of having every gadget to keep baby entertained and love having a baby in my arms.  But a travel swing can be brought into any room of the house.  Need to cook, take a shower, give your attention to another child who has a boo boo. Just bring the swing into the same room you are going to.  The travel swing is a great way to place baby in a safe spot for a short period of time. 

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