Saturday, March 28, 2015

12 Things Every Woman Thinks During Labor

12 Things Every Woman Thinks During Labor
Written by: Cathy Smith

1.   I can't wait to meet this baby!

Those first few contractions can be exhilarating and/or scary.  Reality sets in that this day, you will finally meet your sweet baby.

2. These contractions aren't so bad.

What's the big fuss about labor right?!  It's not that intense.  I myself succumbed to this thought and want to slap myself in the face later on for even thinking that labor would be a walk in the park the second, third, etc...time around.

3.  Whoa!  These contractions are getting intense.

Refer to #2 with why I always want to slap myself in the face.  What was I thinking? That labor would be a walk in the park?  Rest assured to  know these surges are doing some good work when you can no longer talk or walk through them.

4.   I can do this.

You will go back and forth in your mind about what you can tolerate.  I can do this, is a wonderfully empowered place to be.  It is such a basic but powerful thought.

5.   I can't do this.

We have all been there.  At some point in your labor, this thought will pass through your mind.  It's usually at the transitional time or a recurring thought during very long labors.  It brings you to a place of ultimate vulnerability.  Letting your mind go and succumbing to your body is an arduous process.

6.   F$*^ or OMG!!!!

This potty mouth thought usually occurs right before the strongest urge of your life occurs.  Words really can't convey the all consuming feeling your body feels.

7.   It burns!/Get it out!

I have to laugh at this one.  Not only do most women who give birth vaginally think this thought, but most speak either expression right as the head is crowning.  Or refer to #6.  It can be described as the ring of fire.  What you feel at this moment in your life will be etched into your memory forever.  It is you in your very most primal state.  I remember the pain but think about it lovingly.  For it was at this moment, that my children were in between worlds.

8.   No Thoughts...Just the largest sense of relief.

You have just birthed your baby.  In a few microseconds, your thought will be, let me see/hold my baby.  Your heart is about to melt.  But right now there is an amazing sense that you've completed your task.

9.Oh my goodness I just had a baby!

Sweet relief.  Childbirth is over.  Hallelujah!

10. Let me see/Hold my baby.

Those first moments of seeing your newborn and holding that sweet, warm, wet babe will be the most precious moments of your life.  Even as I write this and remember my own little angels births, I can't help but shed tears at the miracle of this first connection.

11. This baby is beautiful!

Yes mama.  Your child is the most beautiful creature on this Earth.  Pure and perfect.  You created one darn lookin kid.  You should be proud.

12. I did it!

You actually did it.  You rocked your birth!  Whether it was natural birth with hypnobirthing, or used every drug in the arsenal, you just birthed a baby!  You are a part of the most amazing club on Earth...the Mommy Club.  We are woman, hear us roar.  Give yourself a pat on the back, enjoy that beautiful child, and know that you can do anything!

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