Monday, October 12, 2015

Being Proud of Your Cesarean Birth

I love when I make new acquaintances and we get on the topic of birth.  As a doula, birth is always on my mind. I am always excited to talk about other womens' experiences. Lately, I've noticed a trend that makes me sad.  Women hanging their heads in shame when they tell me that one of their births ended in a cesarean section.  This shame saddens me to no end.

When have we started as a society, shaming women because their child was birthed surgically?  What gives us the right to shame other women.  Women are shamed today for just about everything.  We have fought for the right to vote, the right to decide what to do with our bodies, and equality. We have to justify our decision to work outside the home, be a stay at home mom, our finances, and the endure the endless shaming of our appearance on advertising, television, and social media.

Yes of course for most women, a cesarean is not the desired birth.  But for some, it is.  It is not our right to judge.  My job and my personal belief is to support women of every culture, background, and decision they make. Women make decisions based on what they believe to be the best for their baby and their body.

Don't hang your head if you had an unplanned, unwanted c-section.  You are not a failure.  You accomplished an awesome feat!  You brought a beautiful baby into the world.  You and your baby overcame an obstacle and thrived.  Be proud of yourselves ladies.  Stop shaming each other.  Most importantly, stop shaming yourself!  You were created by God and he doesn't make mistakes.

So the next time I talk with a woman who birthed her baby via cesarean, I want to hear all about the positive aspects of the birth.  Don't hang your head in shame. Be Proud!

Peace and Love,

Cathy Smith, CD(DONA)

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