Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Letter To My Daughters

Last week, I read a great blog on how to not be disappointed this Mother's Day.  One of the tips was to write a letter to your children, telling them why you love being their mother. So today, I want to honor the babies who made me a mother.  From my first born baby, who was born sleeping 14 1/2 years ago, to my youngest baby who is now 2 1/2 years old, they each have a part of my heart forever.  I love being a momma to my 4 girls and continuing to grow in my relationships with them, so this is for them.


From the moment I found out that I was carrying you, I began to dream of the wonderful life that me & your dad would create for you.  Little did I know then, that this life of love marriage & motherhood would be such a rollercoaster.  Yet you keep hanging on, you enjoy the ride, you love life!  You remind me so much of the little girl that I used to be.  I pray that God protects you and that no one ever tries to put out your shine.  Shine bright Lila Cakes!


I'm so fortunate to be your Momma.  You always surprise me when I take you out to do something just for you, and you never forget your sisters.  You are so considerate to think of them, and also careful not to ask for so much because you don't want me to have to spend so much money.  You are so sweet and generous!  I love you and your unique style.  I want you to know how beautiful and strong you are.  Don't ever be ashamed of the way God made you.  There could never be a more beautiful you, Papaya!


Your birth taught me so much about myself and I'm so grateful for that experience.  But even more so, I'm grateful for the everyday experiences I get to have with you.  You're so brave and adventurous, sometimes a little more adventurous than I'd prefer, but you teach me growth and flexibility.  You're so funny and silly!  Please always be my silly Lisa!


My sweet baby!  You are growing into a big girl so fast.  You're such a wild child.  I love getting to know you as you grow.  I wish you would stay little awhile longer, but I'll take what I can get.  Even if it's just an hour long nursing and cuddle session when I get home from work, or being woken up in the morning so you can watch Peppa Pig.  Love you lots Baby Daph!

Love you Always,