Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cathy's Reality Check/ Counting My Blessings

I really can't believe it's that time of year again.  Truly...didn't summer just start?  I'm writing this blog not as your doula, or business acquintance, but as a busy Mom.  I had such great aspirations for this summer.  Tons of reading, family time, and relaxation. I was going to step back a bit from the business world and enjoy my last summer, not being a student.  Babies have another plan.  We had tremendous business growth this summer. (Yay!!)  I also had tons of playtime with my kiddos. We enjoyed crafting, forts, swimming pools, and potty trained my youngest.  Pretty fantastic summer if you ask me!

I took a lot of time to relect on what I want to accomplish this year.  I am both nervous and excited about my kids starting school, and daycare for the first time. A part of me is jumping up and down that they will be back in school.  The other part wants to squeeze them to my side, and never let them leave.  This year I will be starting my midwifery program, juggling after school activities,running our business, and of course my household.

I am a type A personality.  I want everything to run smoothly and stay organized.  I want homecooked meals, a clean house, our business to grow, and straight A's.  I know this will not happen.  But a girl can hope. ;-)

We as women and moms, continually fill up our plates.  We want to succeed at everything.  I am afraid of overloading my proverbial plate and failing from the weight of all I have taken on.  Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?!

In order to combat this, I am stating the allowances I will make myself.

1. I will try to continue to put God first.  This means church once a week, daily devotions and prayers and  leading a table of fine women at my local MOPS.  It's amazing how spiritually refreshed I feel when I take time to serve and learn about God.

2. I will spend quality time with my kids, even if I can no longer spend the quantity of time I want. This will include reading, crafts, and my least favorite...playing pretend.  When taking quality time with my kiddos, I will not check my phone (although if I'm on call, I'll still answer).  I will give them my undivided attention and not think about all the tasks I need to accomplish for the day.

3. Homecooked meals may have to include: sandwiches, cereal, and gasp...the occasional fast food banquet. I love cooking.  It pleases me to no end to give my family nourishing food that is free of processing.  Cooking is an outlet for me and about as creative as I get. Maybe I can spruce up chicken nuggets. ha ha ( I'm really not a crafty person.)

4. The house will no longer be able to be as clean as I want it to be.  Who am I kidding; it's never as clean as I want it to be.  I have 3 kids, 2 cats, 1 Labrador retriever, 2 goldfish, 6 chickens, and 1 chameleon.  This maybe harder for me to let go than anything else.  Lord, bring me peace on this.

4. While straight A's may not be achievable, I will strive to do the best I can do.  More importantly than straight A's, I really want to enjoy my studies.  On the days my kids are in daycare or in bed, I want to revel in my textbooks, write papers without focusing on how fast I can get it done. MCU is going to be amazing!

5. Lastly but just as importantly,  I will not forget about my husband.  He is my greatest cheerleader.  Being a Mom, student, business woman takes a great deal of time.  But none of those will be achievable if I don't take time to be a partner/wife to my beloved. Sometimes it's hard to change back into that role.  At the end of the day, and in a few years when my kids are living their own life.  It goes back to Kiel and I.  Taking the time to nurture our relationship is beyond priceless.

So this blog isn't about business at all.  It doesn't mean I'm not focused on business or that our clients arent' important to us. I wanted all you fabulous, lovely ladies to know a bit more about me.  I am a mom. I am a wife.  I am a doula.  I will be a student again.  I am going to nail this.  Even if it's not perfect, I will do it to the best of my ability.  I am blessed.



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