Monday, June 8, 2015

What Will My Body Do Next? Fun Bodily Fluids in the 3rd Trimester.

Aaahh discharge.  That lovely, snotty, mucuousy, stuff that we find mid cycle, and increases during pregnancy.  It's one of those magical things that happen during pregnancy that women only talk about in hushed tones with other women.

It can be a precursor to an infection so if it has a smell, burns, or is any other color than milky or clear,check with your provider.  In fact, if you have any qualms about your discharge, it's always better to ask your ob/gyn or midwife to ease your worries.

What exactly is discharge?  Medically speaking:  It is a combo of old cells and normal bacteria flora from the vagina and the walls of the vagina.

What is means for you: stocking up on panty liners, and having lots of natural lubrication for a roll in the hay.  But in all honesty, it aids in getting your body ready for labor and changes as your hormones fluctuate.  It also helps to flush out bacteria which is a win-win for you and baby.

Discharge is just another one of the wonderful processes that happen to make women...women.  Don't be afraid to talk about it.  While it might be cumbersome, it is natural.  So the next time you're changing your liner because it looks like your vagina sneezed clear snot, give yourself a pat on the back.  Your body is working well and know that millions of other women are going through it with you.  Wipe on Ladies!!

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